Living in a teeny apartment on the 2nd floor while going to OU, all I heard for MONTHS was"I want a lellow lab!" When we finally got a place with a yard , he ran out and found his "Lello Lab!"
You were quite possibly the cutest yellow lab puppy EVER.
The minute we put you down on the floor of our crappy little rent house, I asked "Do you remember his paws being that large when we got him!??" It was that moment we realized we weren't getting any ol "small" lab. Though, we never expected you to top out at 110lbs..
Even in that incredibly awkward adolescent stage, when your ears were too big for your head and your legs were too long for your body - you were still adorable...
We didn't mind the sleeping partner...
We also didn't mind picking up the couch cushions hourly, while you found that "sweet" spot to nap in...
Truth being told, it was no real loss when you ate the ugly recliner...
It was pretty easy to forgive you for all the rolls of toilet paper you ate the middle out of, and for forcing us to have to go buy a garbage can with a lid.. (Though I never did understand why you passed up the plate of french fries for the box of kleenex on the coffee table though!!)
We cherished the hours of throwing tennis balls, and playing tug-a-rope...
The hours of pitching balls and sticks into the lake... and watching that dangerously thick and strong tail of yours wag underwater...
We had no idea when you claimed that cushion on the (newer) couch, that you would go as far as to stare our friends, family, and US off the couch when we sat there for too long..
You barely waited for the carpet installer to leave, before you made it YOURS...
You were right there to meet your new baby sister (and new baby brother years later),
Admittedly, you were a little jealous of the attention the kiddos got at first and kept popping up in their pictures... But I didn't mind. Looking back, I'm glad you did it now!
But you were always so calm, gentle, and well natured around the babies (even when I probably should have been watching them a little more closely.)
Looking through our pictures this weekend, it really struck me how much of our life you truly were a part of - and how many of our pictures you (or part of you) are in!
You were very concerned with the new crying baby we brought home, and kept trying to lay on his bouncy..
You never once growled when the kids ran you over with the walker....
Time went by. You brought the tennis ball to us less and less..
Your face started showing your age..
Your walk confirmed your age...
You weren't happy about it, but you mostly tolerated us bring Oliver into your home. Thank you for your help training him..
Thank you for being such a loving and loyal companion for the last 12 years. Even with the handfuls of your hair that I will probably continue to find for the next 20 years - I can confidently say that you are the BEST DOG EVER.
Cool Paw Luke
May 26, 1998 - July 9, 2010
Angie, that is such a touching tribute to your baby, Lucas. I am so, so sorry, I am crying for your loss :(((((
What a lovely tribute. He will be waiting there at Rainbow Bridge for sure. Hugs.
That was wonderful!!
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